Paypal integration package with php — laravel
So due to the high demand in requests of PayPal integration in some of the projects that I am working on. I decided to build a component package that I can re-use, this package is built on PHP Laravel framework.
The package can be found on github
Here is a short documentation of how to install and use the package
How the package communicates with paypal
- Laravel Version: => 7.1
- PHP Version: => 7.1
You can install the package via composer:
composer require epmnzava/paypal-laravel
Update your config (for Laravel 5.4 and below)
Add the service provider to the providers array in config/app.php:
Add the facade to the aliases array in config/app.php:
Publish the package configuration (for Laravel 5.4 and below)
Publish the configuration file and migrations by running the provided console command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Epmnzava\PaypalLaravel\PaypalLaravelServiceProvider"
Environmental Variables
PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID your provided paypal client id
PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET your provided paypal client secret
PAYPAL_REDIRECT_URL your redirect url
PAYPAL_CANCEL_URL your cancel url
PAYPAL_ENVIRONMENT your environment either test or production
PAYPAL_CURRENCY_CODE currency put TZS for Tanzanian Shillings
PAYPAL_ORG_NAME your organization name
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Paypal;
class TestController extends Controller
public function simplepay_by_paypal(){$response=Paypal::CreatePayment("5","0","0","1","Payment for basket ball");
$payment_id=$response["order_id"];return redirect($response["checkout_link"]);
If you receive any errors or issues please let me know on the issue tracker or by mail